Social media

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Gen Z is the first global generation, spending most of its time connecting, communicating and experiencing life through digital devices and engaging through social media. According to Mashable, Generation Z may be the most socially savvy group. But reaching Generation Z is knowing which social platforms they value and for which purpose they turn to each of them.

Instagram – for pictures. Enabling users to quickly absorb visual content with minimal interaction, the application is more popular within this age group than any other.

Twitter – acts as news source, allowing at the same time to monitor people. Twitter may be achieving the same levels of teen-market engagement and growth as Instagram

Youtube – for video content

Snapchat – for instant photo or video sharing

What’sApp – for instant messaging

Facebook – because their parents or other relatives like Facebook and own an account, teenagers are more cautious with the content they share. More than that, in 2014, 25% of those aged between 13-17 years old have left Facebook. This is why brands should consider other platforms when it comes to engaging Generation Z.

Pinterest – visual content for creative ideas.

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