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Generation Z: digitally over connected, independent, always in a rush

Even when communicating, teens are in a hurry, often using emoticons to express their feelings. Facebook is for friends, news, social issues. Instagram is for photos, while Whats App, Twitter & Snapchat for instant messages.

Devices act as interaction suppliers and this is why adolescents get emotionally addicted to them. An American study revealed that 79% of young people displayed symptoms of emotional distress when kept away from their personal electronic devices.

Google is not only used to find out the needed information, it also serves as validation tool for the information received in the offline medium. If adults trust printed media, radio and TV, the generation Z representatives prefer digital channels that allow them to access instant information, to cross sources, to get opinions and start conversations on topics they’re interested in.

Being online a good part of their time, the interaction with their physical environment has significantly reduced, while the one with teens from different part of the world has grown, due to similar preferences regarding music, games etc.

In an era in which words and opinions are heard and have the power to socially kill a brand or a person, the generation Z teens do realize the impact they have on the world, due to their force and capacity to influence, to change, to create.

Generation Z is a global technological, social and visual one. Multi-tasking, multi-screeners, young adults are available anytime and anywhere. They are the social media drivers, the global pop-culture leaders, the global early adopters and global brand influencers.


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